To BEe. (Ellipsis…)
The bee doesn’t worry if the honey is sweet enough for me. There is no (as far as we know) conscious efforts to cross pollinate, understanding the grave importance of this act for the growth of crops and ultimately, survival of other species of life. The bee does what it knows it is to do. I doubt there is even a lot of doubt concerning its approach to doing its essential thing. Dharma.
centered… (ellipsis…)
Breathe. Still your body. I believe that many of our practices here are for to bring us to the level of removing the barriers and/or limitations of body or efforts from being in touch with the spiritual.
Pause. AAAYYEE YOO! There is something aggressively sexual and inappropriate about what is being said. Taken to the extreme in our hood? Initially some sort of verbal combatant to any accusations of an admission of explicit sexual activity, maybe it is more profound than we intended. Is everything hyper sexualized? What does this even mean to people that have no idea what the origins and intentions of the pause were.
NYC streets spoke….